In the examples directory of the PreTeXt distribution there are several examples. We include output for six of them here. To see examples of actual books (and other projects), see the Gallery at the main page of this site.
Showcase Article
The Showcase Article demonstrates the features of PreTeXt. It is not comprehensive, nor instructive. But you can browse it as part of evaluating PreTeXt, or as a source of ideas for your project. The source is also meant to be a demonstration and contains some comments that will help with implementation.
As of 2019-04-02 this is under construction. Knowledgeable PreTeXt authors are encouraged to add examples of their favorite features.
Sample Book
The sample-book is an example of how a book-length document can be authored and organized. It may have a run of chapters, or be structured into parts. The parts can be “structural”, where numbering of chapters restarts in each part, or “decorative”, where chapters are numbered consecutively throughout the book without regard for the parts.
The first version below has only chapters, and no parts. We have used it as an example of how to generate a Solution Manual as a PDF that could be distributed to instructors.
The final chapter contains interactive exercises and programming environments. There are powered by Javascript we get from Runestone Services. A slightly modified build will make an even more interactive version when hosted at Runestone Academy on a dedicated (no-cost) server there. This work is in-progress as of 2022-05-31 and the code and markup may evolve. The source for this is the only documentation now.
Chapters Only:
Structural Parts:
Decorative Parts:
Chapters Only, Hosted at Runestone Academy:
- Sample Book with Interactive Questions and Programs
(Runestone Academy tends to update every Saturday morning, so there can be differences.)
Annotated with Source Examples, with Parts:
Sample Article
The sample-article is both a developer’s sandbox and the kitchen sink of the documentation. It is a sandbox because we frequently test new features here and sometimes also debug problems. So sometimes it contains some preliminary, or immature, examples. It is the kitchen sink because we try to add one of everything. This is both for testing, and so that you can look at output and then examine the source to see how to do something you like or need. There is even a special version of the online output that has copious "View Source" knowls that will show you the PreTeXt source for each division and many blocks
But it is cutting-edge and contains new features before they make it into the Author’s Guide. As a testing platform, we bring the least powerful version of LaTeX to bear for creating the PDF, so this is always built using the pdflatex engine (in contrast to the font example below).
WeBWorK Sample Chapter
The WeBWorK sample-chapter contains examples of various ways to incorporate WeBWorK automated homework problems into your text. This work was initiated with a grant from OpenOregon with a matching grant from University of Puget Sound.
Sample Runestone Book
This sample material has moved, and is now incorporated as the final chapter of the Sample Book, with numerous versions posted towards the top of this page.
Styling Development
Ongoing work to create, develop, and expand new styles.
EPUB Sampler
The EPUB Sampler is designed to test and stress the conversion to EPUB. As such it is a bit of a mess. Intentionally. The actual EPUB file could be useful for testing EPUB reading systems. We build a PDF and an HTML version, just for completeness.
Humanities in Action
Humanities in Action showcases Jahrme Risner’s summer project in 2016, funded by the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences Summer Research for Undergraduates program at the University of Puget Sound.
Characters, Fonts, and Languages
Different languages and different scripts can get complicated fast. This is another sample document that is used both as a demonstration and for testing. Unicode characters generally work easily in HTML, so check the online version first to see what is possible. Since the various fonts can be quite demanding, we always create the PDF here from LaTeX by using the xelatex engine (in contrast to the sample article above).