<section xml:id="doenet">
This preliminary DoenetML example is for testing use on a Runestone server,
where it will use the SPLICE protocol to report out events.
To the reader, it should <em>behave</em>
identically when not on a Runestone server.
<interactive label="interactive-doenetml-example" platform="doenetml" width="100%" aspect="3:2">
<slate surface="doenetml">
Adjust the vectors <m>\vec u</m>, <m>\vec v</m>, and <m>\vec w</m> in the
left graph to visualize the areas calculated by
<m>\det[\vec u\hspace{0.5em}\vec w]</m>, <m>\det[\vec v\hspace{0.5em}\vec w]</m>,
<m>\det[\vec u+\vec v\hspace{0.5em}\vec w]</m>.
<setup><line through="(0,0) $v" name="vLine"/><math simplify name="c">$cv.x/$v.x</math></setup>
<graph xmin="-4" ymin="-4" xmax="16" ymax="16">
<m draggable="false" anchor="(10,14)">
\det[\vec u\hspace{0.5em}\vec w],
\det[\vec v\hspace{0.5em}\vec w]
<point name="u" styleNumber="3">
<label><m>\vec u</m></label>
<point name="w" styleNumber="3">
<label><m>\vec w</m></label>
<point name="uPlusV" styleNumber="4">
<label><m>\vec v</m></label>
<polygon vertices="(0,0) $u $u+$w $w" filled draggable="false" styleNumber="3"/>
<polygon vertices="$u $uPlusV $uPlusV+$w $u+$w" filled draggable="false" styleNumber="4"/>
<lineSegment endpoints="(0,0) $uPlusV" styleNumber="6"/>
<lineSegment endpoints="$w $uPlusV+$w" styleNumber="6"/>
<graph xmin="-4" ymin="-4" xmax="16" ymax="16">
<m draggable="false" anchor="(12,14)">
\det[\vec u+\vec v\hspace{0.5em}\vec w]
<polygon vertices="(0,0) $uPlusV $uPlusV+$w $w" filled draggable="false" styleNumber="2"/>
<point draggable="false" styleNumber="3">
<label><m>\vec w</m></label>
<point draggable="false" styleNumber="4">
<label><m>\vec u+\vec v</m></label>
<lineSegment endpoints="(0,0) $u" styleNumber="6"/>
<lineSegment endpoints="$u $uPlusV" styleNumber="6"/>
<lineSegment endpoints="$w $w+$u" styleNumber="6"/>
<lineSegment endpoints="$w+$u $w+$uPlusV" styleNumber="6"/>
Section 3.17 DoenetML
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This preliminary DoenetML example is for testing use on a Runestone server, where it will use the SPLICE protocol to report out events. To the reader, it should behave identically when not on a Runestone server.