<exercises xml:id="parsons-exercises">
<title>Parsons Exercises</title>
<exercise label="number-theory-proof" adaptive="yes">
<title>Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof</title>
<idx>even numbers</idx>
Create a proof of the theorem: If <m>n</m> is an even number,
then <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
If you examine the source,
you will also notice the <tag>exercise</tag> lacks a <attr>language</attr> attribute.
It is relying on the <c>docinfo/parsons/@language</c> value that is in bookinfo.xml.
If present, that attribute will be used for any Parsons that lack a <attr>language</attr>.]
<block order="2">
Suppose <m>n</m> is even.
<block order="3">
Then <m>n</m> is a prime number.
<choice correct="yes">
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m</m>.
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m + 1</m>.
<block order="1" correct="no">
Click the heels of your ruby slippers together three times.
<block order="5">
So <m>n = 2m + 0</m>.
This is a superfluous second paragraph in this block.
<block order="4">
Thus <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
<block order="6" correct="no">
And a little bit of irrelevant multi-line math
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
<exercise label="parsons-with-partial-order" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide" language="python">
<title>Parsons Problem, Partial Ordering</title>
Parsons problems can specify a partial ordering that allows for multiple valid solutions.
Try putting the blocks in a valid order to calculate and print<c>c</c> Only use the required blocks.
There are many valid orderings.
<block order="5" name="math">
<cline>import math</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>import antigravity</cline>
<block order="6" name="a">
<cline>a = 3</cline>
<block order="2" name="b">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>b = 4</cline>
<cline>4 = b</cline>
<block order="3" name="cSq" depends="a b">
<cline>cSquared = a ** 2 + b ** 2</cline>
<block order="1" name="c" depends="cSq math">
<cline>c = math.sqrt(cSquared)</cline>
<block order="4" depends="c">
<exercise label="prime-number-program-indent-yes" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed. this version of this problem requires the reader to provide the necessary indentation.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
<exercise label="parsons-with-executable" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="show">
<title>Parsons Problem with executable</title>
Parsons problems that have a <c>language</c> specified that corresponds to a valid activecode language can be made runnable.
Complete the Python function <c>isolateRed(p)</c> If either the blue or green is higher than the red,
average the three color values and set red,
green, and blue to be that average.
Otherwise, do nothing to <c>p</c>.
After you check a correct answer you will be able to Run the code you created - it will be used to modify the image shown below.
<datafile label="golden-gate2" filename="golden-gate.png">
<image source="datafiles/golden-gate-bridge.png" width="50%" />
<block order="4">
<cline>def isolateRed(p):</cline>
<block order="2">
<cline>if p.green > p.red or p.blue > p.red:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>avg = (p.red + p.blue + p.green) / 3</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>p.red = avg</cline>
<cline>p.blue = avg</cline>
<cline>p.green = avg</cline>
print("Using your code to isolate the red in the Golden Gate Bridge image.")
import image
<program datafile="golden-gate.png" codelens="no" />
img = image.Image("golden-gate.png")
win = image.ImageWin(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
# img.setDelay(delay, number of pixels between delay)
# setDelay(1, 400) will speed up a lot
for row in range(img.getHeight()):
for col in range(img.getWidth()):
p = img.getPixel(col, row)
img.setPixel(col, row, p)
<exercise label="prime-number-program-indent-no" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="show">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed. this version of this problem does not require the reader to provide the necessary indentation,
which is the default.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
<exercise label="number-theory-proof-numbered-left" adaptive="yes" language="natural">
<title>Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof, Numbered Blocks</title>
<idx>even numbers</idx>
Create a proof of the theorem: If <m>n</m> is an even number,
then <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>. [Ed.
This version has numbered blocks,
online they are on the right end of the block.]
<blocks numbered="right">
<block order="2">
Suppose <m>n</m> is even.
<block order="3">
Then <m>n</m> is a prime number.
<choice correct="yes">
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m</m>.
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m + 1</m>.
<block order="1" correct="no">
Click the heels of your ruby slippers together three times.
<block order="5">
So <m>n = 2m + 0</m>.
This is a superfluous second paragraph in this block.
<block order="4">
Thus <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
<exercise label="prime-number-program-numbered-right" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed.
This version has numbered blocks,
online they are on the left end of the block.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<blocks numbered="left">
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
Exercises 3.10 Parsons Exercises
View Source for exercises
1. Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="number-theory-proof" adaptive="yes">
<title>Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof</title>
<idx>even numbers</idx>
Create a proof of the theorem: If <m>n</m> is an even number,
then <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
If you examine the source,
you will also notice the <tag>exercise</tag> lacks a <attr>language</attr> attribute.
It is relying on the <c>docinfo/parsons/@language</c> value that is in bookinfo.xml.
If present, that attribute will be used for any Parsons that lack a <attr>language</attr>.]
<block order="2">
Suppose <m>n</m> is even.
<block order="3">
Then <m>n</m> is a prime number.
<choice correct="yes">
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m</m>.
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m + 1</m>.
<block order="1" correct="no">
Click the heels of your ruby slippers together three times.
<block order="5">
So <m>n = 2m + 0</m>.
This is a superfluous second paragraph in this block.
<block order="4">
Thus <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
<block order="6" correct="no">
And a little bit of irrelevant multi-line math
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
Create a proof of the theorem: If \(n\) is an even number, then \(n\equiv 0\mod 2\text{.}\)
[Ed. If you examine the source, you will also notice the
lacks a @language
attribute. It is relying on the docinfo/parsons/@language
value that is in bookinfo.xml. If present, that attribute will be used for any Parsons that lack a @language
View Source for hint
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
2. Parsons Problem, Partial Ordering.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="parsons-with-partial-order" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide" language="python">
<title>Parsons Problem, Partial Ordering</title>
Parsons problems can specify a partial ordering that allows for multiple valid solutions.
Try putting the blocks in a valid order to calculate and print<c>c</c> Only use the required blocks.
There are many valid orderings.
<block order="5" name="math">
<cline>import math</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>import antigravity</cline>
<block order="6" name="a">
<cline>a = 3</cline>
<block order="2" name="b">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>b = 4</cline>
<cline>4 = b</cline>
<block order="3" name="cSq" depends="a b">
<cline>cSquared = a ** 2 + b ** 2</cline>
<block order="1" name="c" depends="cSq math">
<cline>c = math.sqrt(cSquared)</cline>
<block order="4" depends="c">
Parsons problems can specify a partial ordering that allows for multiple valid solutions.
Try putting the blocks in a valid order to calculate and print
Only use the required blocks. There are many valid orderings.3. Parsons Problem, Programming.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="prime-number-program-indent-yes" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed. this version of this problem requires the reader to provide the necessary indentation.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1. The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded. Then all multiples of that prime (which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!) are removed from the list. Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number. And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than \(250\text{.}\) [Ed. this version of this problem requires the reader to provide the necessary indentation.]
This reprises Exercise I.2.3.1.
4. Parsons Problem with executable.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="parsons-with-executable" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="show">
<title>Parsons Problem with executable</title>
Parsons problems that have a <c>language</c> specified that corresponds to a valid activecode language can be made runnable.
Complete the Python function <c>isolateRed(p)</c> If either the blue or green is higher than the red,
average the three color values and set red,
green, and blue to be that average.
Otherwise, do nothing to <c>p</c>.
After you check a correct answer you will be able to Run the code you created - it will be used to modify the image shown below.
<datafile label="golden-gate2" filename="golden-gate.png">
<image source="datafiles/golden-gate-bridge.png" width="50%" />
<block order="4">
<cline>def isolateRed(p):</cline>
<block order="2">
<cline>if p.green > p.red or p.blue > p.red:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>avg = (p.red + p.blue + p.green) / 3</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>p.red = avg</cline>
<cline>p.blue = avg</cline>
<cline>p.green = avg</cline>
print("Using your code to isolate the red in the Golden Gate Bridge image.")
import image
<program datafile="golden-gate.png" codelens="no" />
img = image.Image("golden-gate.png")
win = image.ImageWin(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
# img.setDelay(delay, number of pixels between delay)
# setDelay(1, 400) will speed up a lot
for row in range(img.getHeight()):
for col in range(img.getWidth()):
p = img.getPixel(col, row)
img.setPixel(col, row, p)
Parsons problems that have a
specified that corresponds to a valid activecode language can be made runnable.Complete the Python function
If either the blue or green is higher than the red, average the three color values and set red, green, and blue to be that average. Otherwise, do nothing to p
.After you check a correct answer you will be able to Run the code you created - it will be used to modify the image shown below.
View Source for datafile
<datafile label="golden-gate2" filename="golden-gate.png">
<image source="datafiles/golden-gate-bridge.png" width="50%" />
Data: golden-gate.png
5. Parsons Problem, Programming.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="prime-number-program-indent-no" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="show">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed. this version of this problem does not require the reader to provide the necessary indentation,
which is the default.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1. The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded. Then all multiples of that prime (which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!) are removed from the list. Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number. And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than \(250\text{.}\) [Ed. this version of this problem does not require the reader to provide the necessary indentation, which is the default.]
This reprises Exercise I.2.3.1.
6. Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof, Numbered Blocks.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="number-theory-proof-numbered-left" adaptive="yes" language="natural">
<title>Parsons Problem, Mathematical Proof, Numbered Blocks</title>
<idx>even numbers</idx>
Create a proof of the theorem: If <m>n</m> is an even number,
then <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>. [Ed.
This version has numbered blocks,
online they are on the right end of the block.]
<blocks numbered="right">
<block order="2">
Suppose <m>n</m> is even.
<block order="3">
Then <m>n</m> is a prime number.
<choice correct="yes">
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m</m>.
Then there exists an <m>m</m> so that <m>n = 2m + 1</m>.
<block order="1" correct="no">
Click the heels of your ruby slippers together three times.
<block order="5">
So <m>n = 2m + 0</m>.
This is a superfluous second paragraph in this block.
<block order="4">
Thus <m>n\equiv 0\mod 2</m>.
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
Create a proof of the theorem: If \(n\) is an even number, then \(n\equiv 0\mod 2\text{.}\) [Ed. This version has numbered blocks, online they are on the right end of the block.]
View Source for hint
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
Dorothy will not be much help with this proof.
7. Parsons Problem, Programming.
View Source for exercise
<exercise label="prime-number-program-numbered-right" language="python" adaptive="yes" indentation="hide">
<title>Parsons Problem, Programming</title>
<idx>prime numbers</idx>
<idx>Sieve of Eratosthenes</idx>
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1.
The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded.
Then all multiples of that prime
(which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!)
are removed from the list.
Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number.
And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than <m>250</m>. [Ed.
This version has numbered blocks,
online they are on the left end of the block.]
This reprises <xref ref="sieve-primes" />.
<blocks numbered="left">
<block order="6">
<cline>n = 250</cline>
<block order="2">
<choice correct="yes">
<cline>primes = []</cline>
<cline>candidates = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<cline>candidates = []</cline>
<cline>primes = list(range(2,n))</cline>
<block order="7" correct="no">
<cline>primes = candidates + [p]</cline>
<block order="8">
<cline>while candidates:</cline>
<block order="3">
<cline>p = candidates[0]</cline>
<block order="1">
<cline>for nonprime in range(p, n, p):</cline>
<block order="5">
<cline>if nonprime in candidates:</cline>
<block order="4">
The Sieve of Eratosthenes computes prime numbers by starting with a finite list of the integers bigger than 1. The first member of the list is a prime and is saved/recorded. Then all multiples of that prime (which not a prime, excepting the prime itself!) are removed from the list. Now the first number remaining in the list is the next prime number. And the process repeats.
The code blocks below can be rearranged to form one of the many possible programs to implement this algorithm to compute a list of all the primes less than \(250\text{.}\) [Ed. This version has numbered blocks, online they are on the left end of the block.]
This reprises Exercise I.2.3.1.