<title>Expedited Samples</title>
We hack in various interactive Runestone exercise types while <pretext /> markup evolves to cover more of Runestone's repertoire.
In static output these will just produce a message.
In <init>HTML</init> they may be interactive simply in a browser,
or they may require being hosted on a Runestone server in order to perform.
CodeLens for a Python program:
<exercise runestone="over_codelens1" />
CodeLens for a Java program.
Supplied in source with trace data built beforehand on a Runestone server:
<exercise runestone="asgn_viz1" />
Section 3.22 Expedited Samples
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We hack in various interactive Runestone exercise types while PreTeXt markup evolves to cover more of Runestone’s repertoire. In static output these will just produce a message. In HTML they may be interactive simply in a browser, or they may require being hosted on a Runestone server in order to perform.
CodeLens for a Python program:
Checkpoint 3.22.1.
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<exercise runestone="over_codelens1" />
Activity: CodeLens 2 (over_codelens1)
CodeLens for a Java program. Supplied in source with trace data built beforehand on a Runestone server:
Checkpoint 3.22.2.
View Source for exercise
<exercise runestone="asgn_viz1" />
Activity: CodeLens 1 (asgn_viz1)