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Derivatives and Integrals: An Annotated Discourse

Appendix G Lists of Exercises

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<appendix xml:id="appendix-exercise-lists" label="appendix-exercise-lists">
  <title>Lists of Exercises</title>
    Since <tag>exercise</tag> come in several flavors,
    we use <term>pseudo-elements</term>
    to specify the distinct types.
    There are not many reading questions<mdash />but here is a list of all of them,
    by section, using a <c>readingquestion</c> pseudo-element.
  <list-of elements="readingquestion" divisions="section" empty="no" />
    And now a list of all the inline exercises,
    and including the title of every <tag>section</tag>,
    even if there is no inline exercise contained inside it.
    The pseudo-element is <c>inlineexercise</c>.
  <list-of elements="inlineexercise" divisions="section" empty="yes" />
Since <exercise> come in several flavors, we use pseudo-elements to specify the distinct types. There are not many reading questions—but here is a list of all of them, by section, using a readingquestion pseudo-element.

4 An Interesting Corollary

Reading Question
Reading Question
Reading Question
Reading Question

16 Interactive Exercises

Reading Question 16.8.1 Short Answer
And now a list of all the inline exercises, and including the title of every <section>, even if there is no inline exercise contained inside it. The pseudo-element is inlineexercise.

1 Introduction

2 The Fundamental Theorem

3 Computing Integrals with Sage (\(\int\))

4 An Interesting Corollary

Checkpoint 4.6 Essay Question: Compare and Contrast
Checkpoint 4.9 An Inline Exercise
Checkpoint 4.12 A very structured exercise
Checkpoint 4.16

5 Some Facts and Figures

6 Some Advanced Ideas

7 Mathematics

8 Grouping Samples

9 Entering Text in Paragraphs, Titles, Captions

Checkpoint 9.1

10 Graphics

11 Further Reading

12 List Calisthenics

13 Table Calisthenics

14 Interactive Elements, Authored in Javascript

Checkpoint 14.2
Checkpoint 14.9 Graph Planarity
Checkpoint 14.12 Changing Secant Lines

15 Interactive Elements, Server

16 Interactive Exercises

17 Dynamic Exercises

18 Interactive Coding

19 Audio

20 Video

21 Cross-Referencing

22 Internationalization

23 Pre-Formatted Text

24 Program Listings (with code in the title)

25 Units of Measure

26 Side-By-Side Panels

27 Side-by-Side Gallery

28 Open Problems

29 Poetry

30 Atomic Objects

Checkpoint 30.9

31 Advanced Numbering

Checkpoint 31.19 A Right Brace } and a Right Bracket]
Checkpoint 31.20 An Extraneous Exercise

32 Customizations

33 MyOpenMath Interactive Problems

Checkpoint 33.1 Negative Numbers and Exponents
Checkpoint 33.2 A Statistical Test
Checkpoint 33.3 With an image

34 Ancillaries

35 Worksheets

36 Exercises, One Subsection

Checkpoint 36.1 Inline One
Checkpoint 36.2 Inline Two
Checkpoint 36.4 Inline Three

38 Exercises, Multiple Subsections

Checkpoint 38.1 Inline One
Checkpoint 38.2 Inline Two
Checkpoint 38.4 Inline Three