<section xml:id="section-audio" label="section-audio">
2019-05-24: this is preliminary,
and mostly based on the code for <tag>video</tag> so read the next section and mimic the style from there.
But use an <tag>audio</tag> element and have the <attr>source</attr> attribute point to an OGG, MP3, or WAV file.
Plus, an <attr>aspect</attr> attribute will be ignored.
We have not entirely decided how to handle the static version present in a PDF.
First in a <tag>figure</tag>,
so it can be cross-referenced.
<caption>MP3 Piano Trill (<c>www.kozco.com/tech/soundtests.html</c>)</caption>
<audio xml:id="audio-piano-trill" href="http://www.kozco.com/tech/piano2-CoolEdit.mp3" width="80%" />
Now, naked, between a couple of paragraphs,
with specified asymmetric margins, and a computed width.
<audio xml:id="audio-piano-trill-two" href="http://www.kozco.com/tech/piano2-CoolEdit.mp3" margins="30% 15%" />
Now in a <tag>sidebyside</tag> with an
<q>Organ Finale</q>
WAV file on the left,
and on the right, Bach in OGG format at a very low bit rate (32 kps).
From <url href="http://www.music.helsinki.fi/tmt/opetus/uusmedia/esim/index-e.html" visual="www.music.helsinki.fi/tmt/opetus/uusmedia/esim/index-e.html" />.
<audio xml:id="audio-organ-finale" href="https://www.kozco.com/tech/organfinale.wav" width="30%" />
<audio xml:id="audio-bach" href="http://www.music.helsinki.fi/tmt/opetus/uusmedia/esim/a2002011001-e02-32k.ogg" width="60%" />
Section 19 Audio
View Source for section
2019-05-24: this is preliminary, and mostly based on the code for
so read the next section and mimic the style from there. But use an <audio>
element and have the @source
attribute point to an OGG, MP3, or WAV file. Plus, an @aspect
attribute will be ignored.We have not entirely decided how to handle the static version present in a PDF.
First in a
, so it can be cross-referenced.View Source for figure
<caption>MP3 Piano Trill (<c>www.kozco.com/tech/soundtests.html</c>)</caption>
<audio xml:id="audio-piano-trill" href="http://www.kozco.com/tech/piano2-CoolEdit.mp3" width="80%" />
)Now, naked, between a couple of paragraphs, with specified asymmetric margins, and a computed width.
Now in a
with an “Organ Finale” WAV file on the left, and on the right, Bach in OGG format at a very low bit rate (32 kps). From www.music.helsinki.fi/tmt/opetus/uusmedia/esim/index-e.html