<references xml:id="references-backmatter" label="references-backmatter">
<biblio type="raw" xml:id="biblio-judson-AATA">
Tom Judson,
<title>Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications</title>.
<note xml:id="note-judson-AATA">
Another online, open-source offering.
<biblio type="raw" xml:id="biblio-lay-article">
David C. Lay,
<title>Subspaces and Echelon Forms</title>.
<journal>The College Mathematics Journal</journal>,
January 1993,
57<ndash />62.
References References
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View Source for biblio
<biblio type="raw" xml:id="biblio-judson-AATA">
Tom Judson,
<title>Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications</title>.
<note xml:id="note-judson-AATA">
Another online, open-source offering.
Tom Judson, Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications.
View Source for note
<note xml:id="note-judson-AATA">
Another online, open-source offering.
Another online, open-source offering.
View Source for biblio
<biblio type="raw" xml:id="biblio-lay-article">
David C. Lay,
<title>Subspaces and Echelon Forms</title>.
<journal>The College Mathematics Journal</journal>,
January 1993,
57<ndash />62.
David C. Lay, Subspaces and Echelon Forms. The College Mathematics Journal, January 1993, 24 no. 1, 57–62.