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The PreTeXt Guide

Index Index

--method, Paragraph
--restrict, Paragraph
--XSL, Paragraph
-M, Paragraph
-r, Paragraph
-X, Paragraph
\amp, math alignment, Paragraph
accessibility, Section Paragraph
mathematics, Item
accessibilty, Section
window in HTML, Subsection Subsection
<activity>. See project-like elements
<algorithm>. See theorem-like elements
aligned math, Paragraph
alphabetized index entries, Paragraph
alt text, Glossary, Item
AMSMath, Glossary
amsmath, Paragraph
analytics, Section Subsection
anonymous list, Section
of an <exercise>, Checkpoint
to example-like elements, Paragraph
to <exercise>, Paragraph
ASCII file, Paragraphs
<aside>, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
aspect ratio, Paragraph. See also video
<assumption>. See axiom-like elements
Asymptote, Glossary
Asymptote links
LaTeX, PDF, Subsection
attribute, Glossary
author tools, Section, Paragraph
<axiom>, Paragraph
axiom-like elements (<assumption>, <axiom>, <conjecture>, <heuristic>, <hypothesis>, <principle>), Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
back matter, Section Paragraph
base URL, Subsection
base url
HTML output, Subsection
BibTeX, Glossary
<biographical>. See <aside>
PreTeXt code for, Listing
blocks, Section Section
Blurb, Item
bold. See formatting
braille, Chapter
best practices, Section
branch (git), Glossary
build, Subsection
bulleted list. See unordered list
embedded in HTML, Subsection Subsection
of <figure>, Listing
of <table> (see <title>)
of proof, Paragraph
CDF, Glossary
of a table, Listing
table, Subsection
multi-line, Subsection
cell alignment
table, Subsection
<chapter>. See division
exceptional, Section Subsubsection
nontrivial, Section
checkpoint. See inline exercise
chunking option
chunking, Subsection
citation, Section Subsection
<claim>. See theorem-like elements
CLI, Section
--help, Paragraph
-v debug, Paragraph
build, Subsection
deploy, Subsection
executables, Subsection
format, Paragraph
generate, Subsection
new, Subsection
project manifest, Subsection
stringparam, Paragraph
support, Paragraph
targets, Paragraph
view, Subsection
xmlid-root, Paragraph
clickable area exercises, Subsection
clone, Item
CoCalc, Paragraph
coding exercises, Subsection
of a list, Paragraph
of an exercise group, Paragraph
of a table, Paragraph
of an exercise group, Paragraph
table, Subsection
command-line, Paragraph Paragraph
commit (git), Glossary
common option
chunking, Subsection
qrcode, Subsection
table of contents level, Subsection
watermark, Subsection
common options, Section
common pattern, Paragraph
of a division, Paragraph
limitations, Paragraphs
PreTeXt code for, Listing
of a project-like element, Listing
<conjecture>. See axiom-like elements
container, Item
<convention>. See remark-like elements
conversion. See XSL stylesheet
converter. See XSL stylesheet
copyleft, Glossary
<corollary>. See theorem-like elements
cover image
EPUB, Subsection
Creative Commons, Glossary
of axiom-like elements, Paragraph
of theorem-like elements, Paragraph
cross reference
in index, Paragraph
in text, Section
cross-reference, Section Paragraph Section
index, Paragraph
custom versions, Chapter
customization, Chapter
customizations, Section
D3.js, Glossary
data URL, Subsection
PreTeXt code for, Listing
definition, Paragraph
deploy, Subsection
deprecated, Paragraph
for accessibility, Paragraph
of <image>, Listing
Desmos, Glossary
detached proof, Paragraph
division, Paragraph Paragraph Glossary. See also structural division
containing other divisions, Paragraph
specialized, Section
<docinfo>, Paragraph Paragraph
document structure, Paragraph
document type definition, Paragraph
DTD. See document type definition
DVI, Glossary
elective knowls, Subsection
electronic option
LaTeX, PDF, Chapter Subsection
emphasis, Paragraph
entry of a table. See cell
enumerate. See list
environments. See blocks
EPS, Glossary
cover image, Subsection
epub, Chapter
EPUB publisher options, Section
equation, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Paragraph
numbered, Paragraph
escape (character), Glossary
essay question exercises, Subsection
<example>, Section. See also example-like elements
structured, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
unstructured, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
comparison to project-like elements, Paragraph
example-like elements (<example>, <problem>, <question>), Section
answer, Paragraph
hint, Paragraph
solution, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<title>, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
exceptional characters, Section Subsubsection
<exercise>, Chapter
<answer>, Checkpoint Paragraph
inline, Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
renaming, Paragraphs
<solution>, Checkpoint Paragraph
<statement>, Checkpoint Exercise
WeBWorK, Section
with <task>
PreTeXt code for, Listing
exercise, Section
component visibility, Subsection
divisional exercise, Item
inline exercise, Item
interactive, Section
clickable area, Subsection
coding, Subsection
essay question, Subsection
fill-in, Subsection
free-response, Subsection
horizontal mixed-up blocks, Subsection
horizontal Parsons problems, Subsection
matching, Subsection
mixed-up blocks, Subsection
multiple-choice, Subsection
Parsons problems, Subsection
select text, Subsection
short answer, Subsection
true/false, Subsection
exercise components
visibility, Subsection
<exercisegroup>, Subsection
columns, Paragraph
instructions, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<exercises> division, Paragraph
<exploration>. See project-like elements
extensions. See file extensions
MathJax, Subsection
external link, Section
external reference, Section Section. See also URL
extra stylesheets, Section
<fact>. See theorem-like elements
feedback button
<figure>, Section
containing <sidebyside>, Listing
inside <sidebyside>, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
without caption (see <image>)
figure, Section
file extension
ps (see Postscript)
file extensions
for graphics, Paragraph
fill-in exercises, Subsection
FlexDoc/XML/XML XML schema documentation generator, Paragraph
<fn>, Section
font. See formatting
font size options
LaTeX, PDF, Subsection
FontAwesome, Glossary
footnote, Section
long (see <aside>)
restrictions, Paragraph
footnotes, Paragraphs
fork, Item
formatting, Paragraph
formula. See equation
free standing quotation. See <blockquote>
free-response exercises, Subsection
front matter, Section Paragraph
generate, Subsection
GeoGebra, Glossary
GFDL, Glossary
GIF, Glossary
git, Glossary
GitHub, Glossary
glossary, Subsection
Google Custom Search Engine, Paragraph
GPL, Glossary
file formats, Paragraph
graphics formats, Paragraph
generating from source, Paragraph
group work exercises, Subsection
<h>, Paragraph
<heuristic>. See axiom-like elements
of an <exercise>, Checkpoint
to example-like elements, Paragraph
to <exercise>, Paragraph
<historical>. See <aside>
hosting, Subsection
@href, Paragraph
HTML, Glossary
Asymptote links, Subsection Subsection Subsection
feedback button, Subsection Subsection
index page, Subsection Subsection
navigation, Subsection
tabbed viewer, Subsection
table of contents, Subsection
HTML publisher options, Section
hyperlinks. See cross reference; external link
<hypothesis>. See axiom-like elements
<identity>. See theorem-like elements
<idx>, Section
<image>, Section
file formats, Paragraph
inside <figure>
PreTeXt code for, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
without caption, Paragraph
raster image, Paragraph
vector graphic, Paragraph
including files. See modular source files
advice on, Subsection
cross-reference, Paragraph
index entry, Paragraph
index entries, Section
PreTeXt code for, Section
index page
Ingram, Item
IngramSpark, Item
Inkscape, Section
inline exercise, Paragraph Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
renaming, Paragraphs
<input>, Paragraph
<insight>. See remark-like elements
interactive exercises, Section
clickable area, Subsection
coding, Subsection
essay question, Subsection
fill-in, Subsection
free-response, Subsection
horizontal mixed-up blocks, Subsection
horizontal Parsons problems, Subsection
matching, Subsection
mixed-up blocks, Subsection
multiple-choice, Subsection
Parsons problems, Subsection
select text, Subsection
short answer, Subsection
true/false, Subsection
interactive SageMath code. See <sage>
internal cross reference, Section
internationalization, Section Section
of a division, Paragraph
limitations, Paragraphs
PreTeXt code for, Listing
of a project-like element, Listing
<investigation>. See project-like elements
ISBN, Item
italic. See formatting
itemize. See unordered list
JavaScript, Glossary
jing, Paragraph
JPEG, Glossary
jpg. See JPEG
JSXGraph, Glossary
Jupyter, Glossary
keyboard keys, Subsection
keyboard, Subsection
kindle, Chapter
Kindle Direct Publishing, Item
knowl, Glossary
elective, Subsection
\label. See xml:id
LAD Custom Publishing, Item
Asymptote links, Subsection
electronic option, Chapter Subsection
exceptions: < and &, Paragraph
font size option, Subsection
open odd option, Subsection
page matching, Subsection
print option, Chapter Subsection
sides option, Subsection
snapshot, Section Subsection
using to generate images, Section
LaTeX packages, Subsection
LaTeX publisher options, Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<latex-image-preamble>, Paragraph
<lemma>. See theorem-like elements
levels, Section
liblouis, Appendix
Lightning Source, Item
line, Paragraph
external, Section
internal (see cross reference)
anonymous, Section
columns, Subsection
description list, Paragraph
displayed in columns, Paragraph
label, Section
marking, Paragraph
numbering, Paragraph
of notation, Section Section Paragraph
ordered, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
ordered list, Paragraph
unordered, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
unordered list, Paragraph
listing, Section
literal text, Section Subsection
literate programming, Section Section Section
localization, Section Section, Item
macro, Paragraph
main branch, Glossary
manifest, Subsection
margin note. See <aside>
Markdown, Glossary
of <ol>, Paragraph
markup language, Paragraph Paragraph Glossary
master branch, Glossary
matching exercises, Subsection
mathematics, Section Section Chapter. See also equation
best practices, Section
display mathematics, Paragraph
aligned equation, Paragraph
displayed equation, Paragraph
in-line equation, Paragraph
formula, Paragraph
inline mathematics, Paragraph
, Paragraph
mathematical results, Section (see also theorem-like elements)
MathJax extensions, Subsection
Maxwell’s equations, Item
MBX, Glossary
PreTeXt code for, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
merge, Item
Mermaid themes, Subsection
mixed-up blocks exercises, Subsection
horizontal, Subsection
modular source files, Section
MP3, Glossary
MP4, Glossary
PreTeXt code for, Listing
multiple-choice exercises, Subsection
MyOpenMath, Glossary
myopenmath exercise, Section Section
named list, Section
named pattern, Paragraph
HTML, Subsection
new, Subsection
nontrivial characters, Section
Nook Press, Item
normalization, Paragraph
<notation> (to be included in a notation list), Paragraph
notation (to be included in a notation list)
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<notation-list/>, Paragraph
notation list, Section Section
<note>. See remark-like elements
numbering, Section
list items, Paragraph
numbering options, Section
<observation>. See remark-like elements
Ogg, Glossary
PreTeXt code for, Listing
online platforms, Subsection
open odd option
LaTeX, PDF, Subsection
ordered list, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
origin repository, Glossary
<output>, Paragraph
<p>, Paragraphs
inside <sidebyside>, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
use inside <li>, Paragraph
LaTeX, Subsection
page layout, Section
in <worksheet>, Paragraph
page matching
LaTeX, PDF, Subsection
panel. See side-by-side panel
paragraphs, Paragraphs Paragraphs
Parsons problems, Subsection
horizontal, Subsection
pattern, Paragraph
common pattern, Paragraph
named pattern, Paragraph
PDF, Glossary
Asymptote links, Subsection
electronic option, Chapter Subsection
font size option, Subsection
open odd option, Subsection
page matching, Subsection
print option, Chapter Subsection
sides option, Subsection
PDF format
as image, Paragraph
PDF publisher options, Section
PDFLaTeX, Glossary
percent encoding, Paragraph. See also URL encoding
pgfplots, Glossary
HTML, Subsection
PNG, Glossary
PNG image format, Paragraph
renaming another tag to obtain, Chapter
Postscript, Glossary
PreTeXt, Glossary
pretext, Paragraph
pretext build, Subsection
PreTeXt code for
<aside>, Listing
<blockquote>, Listing
<idx>, Paragraph
aligned equations, Listing
axiom-like elements (<assumption>, <axiom>, <conjecture>, <heuristic>, <hypothesis>, <principle>), Listing
<conclusion> of a division, Listing
<definition>, Listing
displayed equation, Listing
structured, Listing
unstructured, Listing
example-like elements (<example>, <problem>, <question>), Listing Listing
<exercise>, Listing
inline, Listing
with <task>, Listing
<exercisegroup>, Listing
<figure>, Listing
<image>, Listing
<image> (inside <figure>), Listing
in-line equation, Paragraph
index entries, Paragraph
<introduction> of a division, Listing
<latex-image>, Listing
<md>, Listing
<me>, Listing
<mrow>, Listing
<ol>, Listing
ordered list, Listing
<p>, Listing
project-like elements (<activity>, <exploration>, <investigation>, <project>), Listing
proof (of theorem-like element), Listing
<reading-questions>, Listing
remark-like elements (<convention>, <insight>, <note>, <observation>, <remark>, <warning>), Listing
<rename>, Paragraph
<sage>, Listing
<sageplot>, Listing
<sbsgroup>, Listing
<section>, Listing Listing
<sidebyside>, Listing Listing
<subsection>, Listing
<table>, Listing
<tabular>, Listing
theorem-like elements (<algorithm>, <claim>, <corollary>, <fact>, <identity>, <lemma>, <proposition>, <theorem>), Listing
<ul>, Listing
unordered list, Listing
<worksheet>, Listing
pretext deploy, Subsection
pretext generate, Subsection
pretext new, Subsection
pretext script, Paragraph Chapter Paragraph
prerequisites, Section
pretext support, Paragraph
pretext view, Subsection
<principle>. See axiom-like elements
print option
LaTeX, PDF, Chapter Subsection
print-on-demand, Chapter
private solutions, List
<problem>. See example-like elements
as homework (see <exercise>)
program, Section Section
programmer’s editor, Paragraphs
<project>, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
project manifest, Subsection
project-like elements (<activity>, <exploration>, <investigation>, <project>), Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
project.ptx, Subsection
<proof>, Paragraph
detached, Paragraph
outside of theorem-like elements (see proof, detached)
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<proposition>. See theorem-like elements
ps (file extension). See Postscript
PSTricks, Glossary
publication file, Section
publisher file. See publication file
publisher options
common, Section
EPUB, Section
HTML, Section
LaTeX, Section
numbering, Section
PDF, Section
reveal.js appearance, Subsection
reveal.js controls, Subsection
reveal.js navigation, Subsection
reveal.js resources, Subsection
reveal.js slideshow, Section
source, Section
WeBWorK, Section
pull (git), Glossary
pull request, Paragraph Glossary
push (git), Glossary
Python, Glossary
QR code, Glossary
common option, Subsection
<question>. See example-like elements
quotation mark
double, Paragraph
single, Paragraph
quotations, Section
inline, Paragraph
long (see <blockquote>)
R (programming language), Glossary
raster image, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
@ref, Paragraph
reference, Section
RELAX-NG, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<remark>, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
remark-like elements (<convention>, <insight>, <note>, <observation>, <remark>, <warning>), Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<rename>, Chapter
for <exercise>, Paragraphs
PreTeXt code for, Paragraph
renaming blocks, Subsection
reveal.js slideshow publisher options, Section
revision control, Paragraphs
of a table, Listing
table, Subsection
PreTeXt code for, Listing
cell, Glossary
interact, Glossary
Sage cell, Paragraph
for static images (see <sageplot>)
interactive, Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing
schema, Paragraph Paragraph. See also XML vocabulary
scientific units, Section Paragraph
script, Paragraphs
search, Subsection
<section>, Paragraph. See also division
PreTeXt code for, Listing Listing
<see>, Paragraph
see reference in index. See <see>
<seealso>, Paragraph
select text exercises, Subsection
short answer exercises, Subsection
response area, Subsection
SI units. See scientific units
side-by-side group, Paragraph Paragraph. See also <sbsgroup>
side-by-side panel, Section Paragraph Section
panel, Paragraph
captioned item, Paragraph
sub-captioned item, Paragraph
<sidebyside>, Section
containing <figure>, Listing
containing <p>, Listing
inside <figure>, Listing
PreTeXt code for, Listing Listing
sides option
LaTeX, PDF, Subsection
siunitx, Glossary
of an <exercise>, Checkpoint
to example-like elements, Paragraph
to <exercise>, Paragraph
private, List
@sortby, Paragraph
sorted index entries, Paragraph
source, Paragraph
source publisher options, Section
special symbols. See
specialized division, Section
Speech Rule Engine, Section
of an <exercise>, Checkpoint Exercise
of axiom-like elements, Paragraph
of theorem-like elements, Listing
string parameters, Section
stringparam, Section Paragraph
structural division, Paragraph Paragraph
extra, Section
<subexercises>, Paragraph
subheadings (in index), Paragraph
<subsection>. See division
PreTeXt code for, Listing
SVG, Glossary
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, Paragraph
tabbed viewer
HTML, Subsection
<table>, Chapter
deciding when to use instead of <figure>, Quotation
not for visual layout, Paragraph (see also side-by-side group)
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<title>, Listing
without title or caption (see <tabular>)
breakable, Subsection
cell, Subsection
cell alignment, Subsection
column, Subsection
entry, Subsection
multi-line cell, Subsection
rule, Subsection
table of contents
HTML, Subsection
level option, Subsection
PreTeXt code for, Listing
without title or caption, Paragraph
tabular, Subsection
breakable, Subsection
tag, Glossary
in a definition, Paragraph
term, Paragraph
terminal, Paragraph Paragraph
, Glossary
PreTeXt code for, Listing
<title>, Paragraph
theorem, Paragraph
theorem-like elements (<algorithm>, <claim>, <corollary>, <fact>, <identity>, <lemma>, <proposition>, <theorem>), Section
PreTeXt code for, Listing
proofs of, Paragraph
three.js, Glossary
inside <latex-image>, Listing
loading in <latex-image-preamble>, Paragraph
of axiom-like elements, Paragraph
of example-like elements, Paragraph
of remark-like elements, Paragraph
of <table>, Listing
of theorem-like elements, Paragraph
very long, Paragraph
top-level content, Paragraph
top-level file, Item
trang, Paragraph
true/false, Subsection
PreTeXt code for, Listing
unicode, Glossary
Unicode characters, Section
units. See scientific units
unordered list, Paragraph
PreTeXt code for, Listing
upstream repository (git), Glossary
<url>, Paragraph
base, Subsection
data, Subsection
query string, Subsection
URL encoding, Paragraph
visual, Subsection
valid schema, Paragraph Paragraph
additional, Section
validator, Paragraph Paragraph
vector graphic, Paragraph
vector graphics
Inkscape, Section
verbatim text, Section Subsection
versions, Section
custom, Chapter
aspect ratio, Paragraph
embedding, Subsection
HTML, Subsection
view, Subsection
Vimeo, Glossary
<warning>. See remark-like elements
watermark, Paragraph
common option, Subsection
web accessibility, Section
mathematics, Item
web accessibilty, Section
WebM, Glossary
WeBWorK, Glossary
HTMLdynamism, Subsection
WeBWorK exercise, Section Paragraph
WeBWorK exercises, Chapter Chapter
WeBWorK exercise, Section
WeBWorK publisher options, Section
whitespace, Paragraphs
in code, Section
tabs, Section
of <image>, Paragraph
Wolfram CDF, Glossary
<worksheet>, Chapter
PreTeXt code for, Listing
worksheet, Section
XeLaTeX, Glossary
xinclude, Paragraph
XML, Glossary
XML application, Paragraph. See also XML vocabulary
XML editor, Paragraphs
XML schema documentation generator, Paragraph. See also DocFlex/XML XML schema documentation generator
XML vocabulary, Paragraph Paragraph. See also XML application
@xml:id, Paragraph
xmlid-root, Paragraph
xmllint, Paragraph
publisher options, Subsection
XSD, Paragraph
XSL stylesheet, Paragraph
xypic, Glossary
YouTube, Glossary