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\newcommand{\fillinmath}[1]{\mathchoice{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\displaystyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\textstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptscriptstyle\phantom{\,#1\,}$}}}
Section 4.26 (*) Back Matter
Subsection 4.26.1 (*) Appendices
Automatic lists (
Section 4.29) can appear anywhere, but an appendix is a very natural place to place one.
Subsection 4.26.2 (*) Glossary
Subsection 4.26.3 (*) References
Subsection 4.26.4 (*) Solutions
Subsection 4.26.5 (*) Index
Subsection 4.26.6 (*) Colophon
back colophon, what most authors think of as
the colophon. (There is also a
front colophon, see
Subsection 4.25.4).